Not Bad

Went to work (you can see that, yea?) and the weather put me in such a grand mood even I could hardly believe it.  Or was it the fact that I have finished more than 70% of the tasks and the light at the end of the tunnel has become bigger?  The only reason I needed to go to Rotterdam today was an appointment with a student, which didn't take long, but as usual I couldn't help babbling a bit with a favourite colleague (who I think has become used to listening politely to aging, babbling, female co-teachers ... haha!)  Shot this from the Willemsbrug, as you see.

Went home and tackled the remaining third-year portfolios.  Earlier in the evening, AW left me in peace by going over to H and M's house (they're on a short holiday in Texel, one of our northern islands, to attend a 10-day festival called Oerol) to tend their plants, something he enjoys doing.  When he got back, dinner, then back to correction work for me.  It was quite an intense session lasting way beyond AW's (and my) bedtime.  The reason I really took my time was the fact that the last report was a clear case of plagiarism, and I found myself engrossed in researching almost each and every sentence (12 pages) and marking them, complete with comments, to show him, and the 'jury' should the case go to 'court', that I could prove my point.  Before I finished that, however, one last report straggled in at about 23.30, and I thought I'd leave it till the morning but, well, why not do it as well.  After the plagiarized report, I even sent out a couple of mails to co-teachers with my completed list of those who'll need to re-sit the course next year.  At about 4 a.m. I wrapped it up with a couple of Solitaire games and then off to bed.  The sky was already lightening up so I just shut the curtains completely and drifted into a warm bowl of sleep ...

... but not before AW woke up due to a cramp in his leg, and I had to listen to his rant and fetch a pair of his socks so that he could keep his feet warm and leave me in peace till the morning.

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