Wild Solstice

Woke up at 09.30, which is normal on a day when I don't need to drive to Rotterdam.  The good feeling I went to bed with was still there and continued the rest of the day.  I am now confident I will be able to finish everything before our niece arrives on 01 July.

Logged in to work this morning and kept my Inbox open the whole day for all kinds of 'final submissions', and they have been pouring in.  The groundwork has been successful and now everyone is cooperating to meet my deadlines.  Even as I'm typing now (23.55), stuff is coming in and I'm happy to be able to respond immediately.

Other news.  At 13.30 today, drove AW to the dentist where he was put under anaesthesia so that they could attach jaw implants to keep his prosthesis in place.  I was informed that an hour or so should be enough.  While he was there, picked up his two pairs of trousers from the steam laundry and left one layer of duvet, then did some supermarket errands and put them away, then cleared all kinds of odds and ends till it was time.  He looked okay but, of course, the anaesthetic began to wear off and he dutifully took his painkillers and just sat and relaxed.  No solid food for him this evening, just soup, so I had the burgers all to myself ... hahaha!  At about 15.30, while he was watching the World Cup, I went up and took a 2.5 hour nap.  Didn't sleep too deeply but it was enough that I could just enjoy the bed with the curtains drawn.  Dinner at about 18.00, then off I went with the bike to that wildflower patch I shot last week.   Parked the bike on the island at the intersection and took about 25 shots.  The wind was blowing so it was hard to capture some still life and I deleted most of them while post-processing.  This is one of the better ones.

Now that my third-year studes have been attended to, I'm busy again with my second-year assessments.  Three weeks ago, I never thought I'd ever see the end of this schoolyear.  Now, I think I'll finish it well.  At least, I think I'll be satisfied with how I got it together.  Whatever they do at school, whatever mess they make, I'll be ready for the break when it comes.

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