
Off to get my hair cut - for the first time in a year managed the whole hour without any anxiety, wonderful! Quick shop at the Coop and more seed buying at the local garden nursery. I am getting on so well with the plot I need more things to plant! I went for some lupin seeds to act as a winter feed, more peas, plus fennel and kohl Rabi seeds! Once home and unpacked I cooked myself some lunch - thought I'd browse on my phone as I ate phone! I sometimes use it to write my shopping list, and remembered I'd put it on the shelf as I debated bio or non bio washing powder, (never remember which is best for the environment, ) and smelt the clothes softeners! I phoned the shop and to my delight someone had handed it in! How very decent of them! 
As I was heading for the allotment and the hens bedtime duty, I looked for my Bachs flower remedy as I was feeling blah. Could not find it in any of the usual places - luckily I had a spare. Returning from the allotment I could not find the key to my back door - I'd taken it as the front door lock felt a bit iffy. More likely it was because I was feeling iffy hence the worry I wouldn't be able to unlock it on my return! I searched for my spare key but none of the keys worked - luckily the one in the adjacent door did! I was able to bring my seedlings in to prevent the slugs getting them! I was well ready for my evening meditation, then a bit of knitting whilst watching a repeat of The Great British Bake Off! I find it such a soothing programme. Funnily enough today ( sat!) I read an article where the writer explained why she as an American finds it the same! 

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