The view from my kitchen at twilight. I always rather like the shapes the trees make at this time of day. However, that blue sky is a sign that many hot water bottles will be needed tonight...
A bright sunny day, spent largely inside cleaning. And tending to a small boy who was feeling very sorry for himself - he's always miserable with a cold. Well, he was miserable right until the point that he decided to take the fresh air cure, ran around outside in a sweatshirt for half an hour and came back with a streaming nose, red cheeks and a pal to watch a movie.
One of those days where I feel like I'm running, running, running and getting nowhere. Half the day on a thankless (literally) household task and the other half failing to book a holiday.
Tomorrow, I am quite determined to do something to cheer myself up a bit. And I might get caught up on the rest of those backblips too.
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