Departure Day from Gerona


The last view of our delightful patio, where we have had most of our meals during the holiday.  The holiday rep came to collect the keys at 7.45 am and then we were off to Gerona Airport (or Girona in Spanish) to return the car and for our flight home. A few final shots in Extras.

It's been a great holiday, made all the more special by the company of our daughter and son-in-law whom we don't see often enough.  I've always been a bit sniffy about Spain and the Costas, but this part of the Catalan province was a sheer delight and the people were lovely too.  Don't judge a country by its bad reviews caused by a minority of holiday makers!

We had a good flight back to Edinburgh, though our daughter and son-in-law had another flight to Stansted before they got home, so a long day for them. We picked Simba up from the cattery and he seemed very happy to be home again.  Just the washing to sort out tomorrow and the house to prepare for another viewing on Sunday.  They are the first couple who viewed the house and who came back for a second viewing, but seemed to change their minds.  Now they have requested a third look, so hope this is a positive sign:-)

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