Fun at the beach

Nathaniel crept into my bed at midnight, very cold, and was very restless till 5 am when I got back to sleep. Urgh. He has a hoarse throat and cough so I did not insist he went back upstairs.

They keep asking why Grandad has to buy a newspaper every day. This morning Ella had a go with reading the Guardian. I got a bit stuck when she started asking what gender-neutral passports were. We moved swiftly on.

However we got off to the beach eventually with a picnic and had a lovely day. Nathaniel raced about on the dunes and in the sea with Ella, but sometimes just wanted a cuddle and a rest on the blanket. I hope he sleeps better tonight. Meanwhile Mummy has had a brilliant day at the tennis at Queens.

Here’s Ella climbing a huge dune. Look at our gorgeous Northumbria beach. Almost empty. That’s because it was 16 C.

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