Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Blipping from the beach

I drove to Charleston today to meet up with Martin and his wife Anne for a mini blipmeet!  What a good day we had.   Being the country girl I am I took them along the back roads to Botany Bay, a nature preserve on the South Carolina coast of the Atlantic Ocean that was damaged heavily during the hurricanes two years ago.  The trees along the beach had been standing and there is actually very little beach left due to erosion.   Luckily we were there during low tide and were able to walk some on the white sand.  Yes, it was hot.

After an hour or so in the heat, we needed some refreshment and food..and the "loo"..I learned a new word today.    I decided we would go to one of my favorite restaurants in Summerville..just a little ways up the road.  We had a great lunch and a short walk around the streets..hoping for some people and fun windows for Martin to do his street photography thing..he does wonderful street photography and I had a lesson from him today.   His advice was to find the scene/spot that is interesting and wait for the right person to come along to complete it.  You can look back on his journal to see that he definitely does this!  

It was really interesting talking with Martin and Anne..Anne and I share a love of the same kinds of books and authors!   

A brief stop at the grocery store because Martin and Anne did not rent a car while they were here...depending on Uber and their feet for getting about.  I would not have survived without a vehicle but I can certainly understand not wanting to drive on the "wrong" side of the road!  Wishing them a safe and uneventful flight back to the UK.  

Come back to SC any time..I have a spare bedroom at my house!  And I can be the Uber driver!    

A couple extras..

A street photo about transportation..walking, motorcycle, cars, trucks and a train
Another photo from the street..a sale at an old house but that typewriter was really catching my eye.
A row of dead trees seen from the path to the beach
A live oak that is almost touching the ground seen on the drive to the beach parking

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