Vitamin Boost

Another warm and sunny day. This summer feels like a dream.

A morning walk with Andy and Merlin, watching the marbled white butterflies, and the sky larks rise from their nests in the fields of grass and fly high into the sky singing their evocative song.

Later I popped to the local farm shop and then joined Andy at the care home to visit his mum.

My afternoon task was weeding the allotment and digging up the parsnips that we didn't get around to eating. The spinach had to be pulled up too for the warm weather has caused it to run to seed.  The beans, courgettes, sweet corn and Swiss chard are all coming on well. Best of all is the fruit on the bushes which has ripened - raspberries, black currants, gooseberries were all picked and the blueberries are well on their way. There seem to be plenty of apples too.  I spent several hours there and returned for dinner with Andy and Alexander ( who has come down for the week now he has finished college). Merlin is very happy to have the house full of people.

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