Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


I spent the whole day at the Greenwich and Docklands International Festival with old friend J, new friend E and 6 year-old M. A great day was had by all.

Urgently and before it is too late I have to recommend Motosikai Race Horse Company from Finland. They will be doing another two shows on Sunday 24th at noon and again at 4pm. If you have a chance, get there, I have no photos.

Other highly entertaining pieces include The Jukeboxes, and La Belle Escabelle.

M could have happily spent the entire day playing with the Xics Del Xurrac while I could happily have joined the Herd of Mechanical Creatures, all of which were only a whisker away from being a goat.

We took a look at RoboPole, who is desperately trying to disassociate pole dancing from its lap-dancing image, but for me, the performance which had me in tears of laughter was the extraordinarily dead-pan Full Circle.

Getting a bit hacked off with Blip not allowing me to select my thumbnail these last couple of days.

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