Claartje's Fotsen

By Claartje

Conversation with myself

Yay for snow, finally

- You really like it? I think it's rather cold. And it's not even the good stuff, this is the wet snow...

Yes, I like it, I hop it gets colder overnight and tomorrow when I wake up the world is covered in snow!

- Oh dear, I thought you'd say that. You know that the roads will be slippery and it will be really really cold outside?!

Yes, I know, but it will also be very pretty. Please let me have this, then I won't complain in summer that it's to warm and that I want to move to Alaska.

- Well, allright, it's winter after all... maybe just a little snow tomorrow. But that's all the snowdays you get this year.

Great! But what does the weatherman say?

- He says it's all going to be wet snow but that it will freeze tonight, so maybe there is some real snow for you to enjoy tomorrow.

Well, he knows best I suppose...

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