Keep In, Keep Out

The new fence is more than 2 meters high and I'm wondering if it'll keep the cats out.  I don't mind if they come in but AW doesn't like it when they use a corner of the backyard as a toilet.  Sometimes their poop has worms and that's not a good thing.  It took three full hours for the garden crew to set this up.  They were so busy and it was so warm that they didn't even want to stop for coffee.  The part nearest the water is still missing; it will be delivered another day.  We are now waiting for the bill so that we can forward it to the insurance company -- the previous fence had been badly damaged by a storm earlier this year and they said they were willing to cover it.

Did some work but without overdoing.  I have begun clearing my desk, putting a lot of office stuff upstairs in one of my open boxes, to be retrieved again after the holiday.  We are also thinking seriously of moving the desk to a less bothersome spot as I'm right next to the kitchen and the Japanese screens are rather large so that sometimes AW has to squeeze in between my desk and the screens to get to the kitchen.  I'm rather small so it's not a problem for me but I do live in the land of the giants so a bit of adjustment is always needed.

Also did some genealogy work, something I still enjoy even though I don't have much time for it these days.  The latest info from the genealogy centre got processed and I found a load of info about a particular branch at a French site, which was a huge help.  You don't always come across a Dutch family that moves to France.  As this happened in the 30's, I'm convinced it had to do with finding work.  They must have liked it there, though, so they decided to stay.  And then one day, one of the family members decided to trace their roots ... and isn't it wonderful when you have a lot of info available here, just like that.  Maybe when I'm retired, I'll have a talk with some genealogist or archives director as I have a grand idea -- a glass wall of 10x2 meters connected to the database of an archive.  All you need to do is log in with your name to access an ancestor.  The name appears on the glass wall.  You touch it and his/her partner appears, with all their children.  As you scroll up or down to look for more generations, whole series of dots appear and the info moves either up or down, left or right, depending on which name you touch, and then you can even look for connections with other people if they log in on another computer.  That is actually what my current project is about.  I already finished with AW's family 14 years ago but am now going deeper into 16 families that comprise his pedigree -- some ten mountains of information.  I certainly have enough for the wall I have in mind.  As for financing the technology, well ... some crowdfunding might help ... a problem for another time.

Meanwhile, I need to stay focused.

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