He Came Around Like he was dignified...

To argue politics or religion you have to understand all aspects of it.

People didn't argue politics with me at Uni because I read, I understood both sides of the argument, and could argue easily for either side. Depending on my mood I would argue either cause.

I will not argue religion or politics with my Boy.

He has inherited my love of the spoken language and has a great ability to argue a cause in the same way. For the two of us to go at opposite sides would cause a implosion and the universe would collapse.

He is having a ball in USofA, in the South Mid-West.... Where they aren't Obama fans. He told me tonight of a latest debate, where his opponent announced he didn't want a "Muslim at the desk again". Boy called him a Racist.

The response, "there are two types of racists, the ones who sit on their ass and do nothing and the working kind". Glad we cleared that up.

And Boy is Gay and has an Obama phone. Apparently.

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