Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Autumn evening light

...taken at about 4pm!!!!!

The nights are really drawing in now.

Everyone in this family has got stuff going on today.

#3boy has had a whole day of Maths in preparation for an exam next thursday.

#2boy is getting used to his new hairstyle.
(He has had a very, very 'short all over' clipper attack)
He has been getting very cozy in a wooly hat and packing away his hairstraightners :-)

#1boy has been looking for work.

I had a day off filled with Doctors, banks, builders - oh and solicitors acting on behalf of a car hire company ;-)

The cat was mainly sleeping (she does that best) and the iguana is shedding his skin (again)!!

Same old, same old :-))))

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