My blip for today is in my extra, it was a lovely little roe deer who suddenly appeared on the path in front of me, I do not know who was more shocked.
However as I was leaving the care home this morning there were two beautiful Harris Hawks on the grass, apparently they had been employed to scare the seagulls off, so I have used one as my blip as I am not likely to come across one of these on my walks.
Another busy day as I had to take Indy, who is almost 15 to the vets this morning as she had a growth on her gum, so I took her in to have it removed. I have now picked her up and hopefully she will be fine.
I am now washing curtains, as I might as well make use of the wonderful warm weather.
Hope you are all having this gorgeous weather also.
Do hope you like the Harris Hawk, I must say they were very impressive.
Thank you so much for your visit.

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