Not Sweet Peas
But look like them. If someone can tell me the name I'd be grateful. Definitely legumes. Lathyrus latifolius, perennial sweet pea.
Gill and Sanay were clearing away the debris of the late Spring flowering in Gill's garden when I arrived this morning. A hot day. I was glad to sit in the shade while they finished. I wandered around and took some photos. When I took a photo two weeks ago, the garden had looked magnificent, but many of the plants have died back since then.
Last day at Physio Gym and on to Leisure Centre gym training sessions from mid-July. I won't be cosseted as much there. My knee was stiff today so I couldn't managed biking, which was disappointing.
The good news is that the physios have confirmed that I can do breast stroke when swimming. Having read that breast stroke wasn't good for hip replacements, which I'd had done in 2009, I'd hardly been in a pool since. I'll enjoy going back to swimming.
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