The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Turns out Kitty Cat is not winning any popularity awards in her house. Ringing the doorbell at 2 am because you have forgotten your keys is possibly not the best way to endear yourself. I suggested that she could crash the car again* and then forgetting her keys wouldn’t seem so bad!

Rod and his family have moved a couple of streets away from us so we popped round to say ‘hi’. His daughters are 7 and remind me a lot of the Mini Princesses when they were younger. We were treated to a gymnastics ‘show’ which was a bit naughty as one of them kept showing her pants and giggling whilst doing forward rolls!

It was great not to have plans for the rest of the day. We have been socialising a lot recently and I definitely need a couple of chilled weekends. Pizza and tv in the evening was just what the doctor ordered.
I snuggled up with The Youngest Mini Princess but may have dozed for most of the evening. I can’t handle these crazy nights in!


*She has a bad habit of doing this. I think it’s 4 times now. Marsh doesn’t have a sense of humour about it anymore. Unlike the rest of us.

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