Sheep may safely graze

After the weekend seminar we began catching up with work and making sure follow up points were captured.

Early evening drive in heat (27oC according to car thermometer) to Newton St Boswell for recognition and welcome event in the Scottish Borders part of the South East Scotland Area Support Team.

Said a few words, had a discussion, welcomed the new panel members, presented the awards for 5 10 and 15 years’ contribution then towards 20:30 started the journey back.

It was a beautiful evening. I stopped at Leaderfoot Viaduct over the Tweed as the sun started to descend.

I then called up to Scott’s View overlooking the Tweed and the Eildons - further extra. There were a few people there with cameras looking at a Yell Whammed in the distance on o gorse bush. Last extra. It chirped away with its signature “ a wee bit of bread and a bit of cheese” for some time. Then the drone which was also present gently rose up and it flew away.

Allowed me to take the blip.

Coming back into Edinburgh the sunset was wonderful, backlighting Arthur’s Seat. A full but good day.

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