Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Triple Towers

Reporting from Field Correspondent Tiny Tussock
The B's were rapt with Mary Poppins and refuse to give too many details because they wouldn't want to spoil it for others but if you get the chance...Just go!
The Boss spent most of the day with Missy S and they went shopping for camera bags, where The Boss knew more than the sales people and the model he was interested in was waiting for the older models to be sold so nothing was added to the card and they left and explored the Viaduct and beyond, ending up riding a bus to one of Missy S's favourite places with a great Café that served whitebait omelets for late lunch. It is a while since The Boss has been in the big smoke and the Viaduct has grown and was a great place to explore with a local guide. Might try another camera shop tomorrow. I was much admired by M ( No not the 007 M but a lovely and much prettier M) who served us the omelet beautifully divided in two and served thus. She was an ausi but I forgave her immediately as she promised to not discuss sport AND she figured out that photography was an interest and promptly told us of a local exhibition which will now be on tomorrow's list.
This shot was offering itself up this morning but was so much better when The Boss passed it on the way back to the pub much later in the day. He has purchased another camera App (Camera Pro+) for the iPhone which has a stabilizer option which delays the shutter until the camera is nice and still. It also beeps and bonks about to keep you amused during the delay. Must see if the sound can be turned off as it attracted interest from the locals.
Mini woof to you all.

Dive into the reflection

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