Orange Vanilla Popsicle .....

..... The plant that sounds like it shold be a Single by Prince.

We drove over to the Rocky Mountain Nursery* this morning with the aim of finding a plant to fill the empty pot we had. We of course ended up buying 3 plants we liked the look of so had to buy two more pots - and more compost.

Apart from the above name, this one also rejoices in the name Kniphofia (do the ph make another f or do you pronounce them separately?) but I reckon my Mum & Dad would have known it by its other name, Red Hot Poker. Anyway, it's very attractive.

We got back in time for a lunch time swim, some planting (Tess) and some World Cup football (me) then it was time for a very hot Keep Fat session.

* sadly, not owned by Joe Walsh:

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