
By feefifofum

We three...take two.

Looks familiar?

An unexpectedly lovely day today. Church in the morning, followed by lunch then intending to do some work in the afternoon, which I don't like doing as I like to keep Sunday as a day of rest, but with mum and dad being up last week I got very little done so felt the need to try and catch up a bit. However this was going less than successfully when a wee face appeared at my door suggesting a trip to starbucks, with the flat being freezing, the idea of a walk in the fresh air and a hot (tasty) drink and a heated building was too much to resist! So the three of us nipped up to the fort to have a quick look at the animals at pets at home, (and I exercised all my willpower to not come home with anything) then it was off to starbucks.

Weirdly, the toppings on our hot drinks vaguely match our hair colour (Erin had toffee nut sprinkles on hers - I'm not implying she has white hair...)

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