jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Craft stall

Felt like a bit of a spare part this morning at tots... The boys kind of checked in on me every so often but mainly went off and did their own thing. I displayed the messy mama art stuff there as well this morning though and it looked very pretty, even if nobody bought anything! Am beginning to panic a little about the craft fairs I've booked (paid) tables at, if I'm going to sell anything at all :-/

Roast beef for dinner this evening which Ben missed out on yet again as for the second night in a row he was begging for sleep well before dinner was ready. It was a HUGE piece of beef but given it was half price it was too good an offer to miss.

Ben poor sausage has the biggest bags under his eyes at the moment. And we're battling a flare-up of eczema around his mouth - he has a bad habit of sucking the top corner of his jackets and the cold weather plus his skin staying soggy is not helping. I think the dark evenings are messing up his body clock quite a lot, and that plus some late nights over the weekend and fighting various colds is taking its toll.

Charley is really getting the hang of this walking thing although it's got to the cocky stage right now. He thinks he's cracked it so tries to go faster than his brain can cope with, or misjudges the distance to the sofa and trips over his feet or does faceplants! He's also not liking crawling any more because he wants to be upright. He does the odd stand from the floor by himself but will crawl to the nearest object and pull himself up before attempting to run! The whole inbetween crawling / fully walking is affecting his ability to judge distance quite a lot. He's having to learn that things on the floor are further away when he's walking, and closer when he's crawling. I suspect this is a fairly new developmental shift of perception so it's just taking its time to hardwire itself in.

Tonight's job was to make some more clay - playdate with crafting with Vicki and Lilija in the morning :) but I ran out of bicarb for the clay and as Charley had just stirred and was sobbing and reaching for me, Steve bless him actually went down to the shop for me and bought bicarb - and chocolate!! I LOVE my husband :D

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