
By Alberta

This is what I miss

Amongst many other things when I am not in France ...

I arrived back here yesterday morning and slept from 8pm last night to 8am this morning.. I think I was ready for that and Mr A is now cooking me some lovely meals .. amazing what a tonic that is ..

We called in at our neighbours - the farmers this morning too and were party to a fascinating discussion about planting carrots in the waning moon and everything else in the new moon.. The farmers here take planting by moon phases very seriously .. and then the conversation got on to mushrooms well cepes and truffes to be more precise.. We are homing in on where they might be!!! A very closely guarded secret but Albert the farmer is very generous with us and he also explained how come they grow in some woods (theirs) and not others (ours) and that is basically to do with the calcium content of the soil .. and Paulette (the farmers wife) added "and the day you choose is very very important! " touching her nose as she said this..

Albert and Paulette are in their 80's now.. she cooks every day.. He is quite ill now and we may not have them around for much longer... we treasure their friendship.

And this is the view from our bedroom window.. although as you might have guessed it changes every day!

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