
By caitjob

You say it's your birthday

Well it was actually. Apologies for another picture of food, I don't generally like taking pictures of food but never mind.

Had a really good day. We went to the pub quiz and got pizza and had this cake. The cake was amazing. I took a bit of a risk by buying a cake going by the look of it and didn't know what it contained and as it turned out to be a kind of chocolate mousse cake it was definitely worth it. It's called a Trocadero which is also the name of an area of Paris so I thought it was topical.

I got some very nice presents including a lovely scarf and gloves and a massive mug (which is meant to be for cereal but I've just used it for the world's largest cup of tea) and Mairead also made me 22 oreo truffles, one for each year of my life. It was lovely.

Also we did better than ever in the pub quiz so maybe we're improving, also the quiz master got the entire pub to sing me happy birthday which was embarrassing but very nice. It seems that every nationality know the words to happy birthday in English.

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