The heatwave continues..............

…..............Walking me in such hot weather is very challenging for my very lovely owner, Ann. For the last week or so she's been taking me to places where there is water so that I can have a bit of a cool down.

Today I went down to the beach at Hayle. It was fabulous. I zoomed about on the beach, I splish, splash, sploshed in the sea and I rolled about on my back.

There were loads of people having picnics. I LOVE picnics.

Do you want to know what I did?................... I sat right in front of a man eating a sausage roll. It smelt delicious so I gave him my 'appealing look'. He said to Ann, 'Can HE have a little bit?' HE? Why do people always assume I'm a boy? Ann said he could give me a teeny, weeny bit. The man gave me three HUGE bits. Sausage rolls are very yummy. I don't think he had any left for himself after he'd fed me. Lol!

Ann's loving this hot weather because she's a bit of a sun worshipper. It's a bit hot for me though, so apart from my walks, I've been snoozing in cool, shady places.

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