The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Now Look Here!

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

My lovely in laws are having a Golden wedding anniversary ‘do’ next week.

‘Aha’, I thought, that’s fine. I have a dress I bought for a wedding last year. I am sorted’

Eldest Mini Princess went online and found a couple of dresses. We ordered them. She loves one of them and it fits. Job done.

Youngest Mini Princess finally managed to narrow down her choices from 20 to 6. I spent a lot of my time on Monday ordering things. I had to register with websites I have never heard of. I used my lunchtime today to check if one of the items was in-store.

I also took her shopping this evening. She LOOKS at things. Then she PONDERS. Then she WANDERS off and LOOKS at other things. Then she goes back to LOOK at things she had already f’in LOOKED AT. Then we leave the shop and drive to another shop. Then she decides that she would like to GO BACK TO THE SHOP WE HAVE JUST F’IN LEFT.

I did consider taking something into the changing room so that I could have a moment of privacy for a little cry, but I wasn’t sure they would believe I wanted to buy a jump suit or a gold boob tube. I was concerned I would be taken aside and given a stern talking to about age appropriate attire.

She was reasonably successful and very chirpy at the end of our trip.

I was broken!


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