The End of an Era

Well thats it,  I popped up to work to clear out my desk take down all the photos collected over the 20  years working with Aberdeenshire Council and clear out the clutter . It did not take long to just dump stuff into the shredder bucket . I started to look at old files and I said to one of my colleagues should leave this lot for the next employee whoever takes over my post , thats if they decide to advertise my post or just absorb my post in to the saving they have to make . I feel sorry for the next officers working in environmental health as Brexit will have big impact on the service not only in legislation but the powers we will have to do the job with less people on the front line. Public health may be compromised , we will wait and see.
Anyway I have crossed the final bridge into retirement not the way I planned it but ILL health forced my hand and now I have a new bridge to cross . 

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