Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Mr & Mrs Jophreeves

This was a blipmeet I'd been looking forward to for some while. Long time blipper, Jophreeves and Mrs Jophreeves from the UK, visit family in Sydney every couple of years. I have been blipping so long now that this is the third time we've met them in person and what lovely folk they are. Here they're posing with Norma just outside the Katoomba Cultural Centre.

In the extras John and I are taking pictures of ourselves in the library window like a couple of "new books". There's a shot of the two ladies standing at the end of a covered walkway, getting ready to venture into the open rain to see a view. There's a brand new sculpture that I thought was well worth a frame or two. Finally there's Jophreeves in action, shooting a shiny polished stainless steel sculpture. Let's hope we can catch up again before they must return home.

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