Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Wednesday — Sandy Toes

How many sandy toes are in this photo? I know there are 12 paws, but I am embarrassed to explain that I don’t know how many toes. Do dogs have five toes on each paw?

We were walking that shoreline at 5:30 this evening, which is ridiculous considering we had not had dinner yet. But thankfully we managed to get back to the house to prepare dinner quickly and be finished eating by 7:15. We prefer to be early eaters; that’s easier in winter when it’s dark by 5:00 or 5:30.

My big accomplishment today was to find places to store some of the extra towels and sheets that we’ve brought here with us; we’ve gained extras from Grammie Fun’s house and from our big house that just recently sold. Two of the ottomans we have, have lids that lift off so the interior is storage space. In this tiny house that is helpful. I also have long plastic tubs that store under our queen-size bed that provide storage.

Mr. Fun accomplished the pruning of our Bird of Paradise plant and then a shrub on the other side of our house that was somewhat unruly and out-of-control. The trash collector arrives on Wednesday’s, so Mr. Fun wanted to get the green can filled. We have a blue can for recycle, gray can for trash; and a green can for garden trimmings.

We were going to go into San Luis Obispo today, but just did not get the gumption! We have found “lazy,” and we are wallowing in it.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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