All that glitters, is not gold.

After the gym, I walked to Open Church, and saw Kevin, and Annie, who was today's volunteer. While I was drinking my tea, I saw the beautiful silverware  out on display near the altar.  I have never seen it before.  and I asked why it was there ( I always seem to be asking questions) and I was told that a local school were coming in to have a talk on the many interesting items in Nolton Church. The items  (I didn't know this) are:  the chalice, paten, ciborium ,purificator lavabo, and flagon. Fascinating stuff eh? Another thing I learnt today was, the lady lay preacher put on a long black gown , with 39 buttons, which signify the 39 articles in the church. Just before I got up to leave, I told Kevin I was going to the "cobblers" to collect my shoes.  He said, did you know that Shumaker, means cobblers, well I didn't, but I do now.  I have learnt so  much today, just by visiting church.

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