O frabjous day!

Callooh! Callay indeed. For the Local Planning Review Board in their wonderful wisdom have ruled in support of the planning department’s rejection of the proposed building out the back. But not without a few nerves being jangled. Over a hundred objections, including both community councils and it still went to the wire. One of the councillors (the deputy Lord Provost, no less) thought a site visit was in order...! So off we shot back to LGR where we were in time for Vanessa to let them in through her house to view the site. Then off they went, with a posse of residents in pursuit, back to the Mandela Room where they speedily reached their conclusion. And it was the right one! How we cheered. Silently.
So off we went to the Chain Pier to sup and carouse outside till the haar started rolling in.
But later, it rolled out again so it was fine and sunny in the Diggers. And quiet too - the students have suddenly all gone leaving just the old blokes. And we didn’t just discuss football. Noooo. Ok, that’s not true.

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