Day 11 ..... Maple tree

Our magnificent maple tree which has been the subject of wonderfully colorful blips over the years looks even sadder today.
We were spared the brunt of the storm and although we still have no power at least there are only 200,000 customers left to restore.
Not needed at the shelter today which us just as well since I thought I might have been on overnight duty last night and therefore slept yesterday afternoon.
Of course that meant I was awake all night listening to wind whistling around the house.
Took this blip of the 65 foot maple on the iPhone out of the window. Some lunch then a nap with my Paddington Bear hot water bottle. Just in case I'm needed tonight at the shelter.
At least the temps are supposed to be in the high 50s from tomorrow for a few days so anything over 39 degrees means we can open doors and windows and let the heat in !!!


Oh yes glad I got the comments sorted out between PaulaJ and suescape.
Paula made the comments about no sympathy for an iPhone5 user and suescape made the comment about me being a 'perv' . Thanks for putting me right on this you two !!!!!

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