Choose Joy

By Energia

Mess up

I was having trouble getting the exposure right. I edit my mistakes more creatively. (I'm not saying I'm thrilled with it, although I like how the blue sign stands out. This was just the least bad of today's photos. By the end of the day I was shooting abandoned buildings awaiting destruction which I'm sure was deeply psychologically meaningful.)

I decided to work from home this morning. With my family out (they return tomorrow) it was quieter at home and easier to focus at home and it helped me restore some emotional equilibrium. I also avoided Facebook and the news. I know how bad this is, I don't need to hear it. It worked. I had actually restored my mood to a reasonable level by the time I went in to work this afternoon to provide some direction to my intern. 

At the subway station I took several pictures of a train going by on the tracks. I was messing up the exposure badly so I'm glad it was a very long train. 

Let us see if I've successfully added this to the map. 

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