as seen

By jankerman

My Head Was A Shed

Today was totally mixed up, I didn't know where I was! Got most things  that needed doing done but was always chasing my tail it must be the heat!
It ended when I turned up at camera club with a set of images for a fun comp, which isn't taking place until the end of next month! It must have been the subject that got me all a bother!  (Knob & Knockers) 
On a sadder not it is confirmed that my fear last week that there was a cygnet missing and we now "only" have eight left! 
Will be on catch up again before the busy weekend ( race day and concert Saturday and Middleton Railway Steampunk on Sunday)  which my delay me further! 
Take care one and all.
PS a cheeky tag for Abstract Thursday! thanks  Ingeborg  for hosting.

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