A long morning...
...came back and literally collapsed on my bed. I cannot deal with this heat. About 31 C where I was, then still hot when i got home.
This cooling 10 minute You Tube Video painting was painted around 5 am before I went out later.
Hope it cools some of you down.
Later i went on to my wooden swing, which i might sleep outside on tonight. This bungalow traps the heat and it is impossible to breathe.
Popeye came to join me as I was texting a friend. Send a pic she said of him...top left.
A moment later Popeye flopped down like a stone and slumped...the second pic down. Send me a pic my friend texted. So that was second pic down on the left.
He’s not...is he? She texted.
I don’t ****** know I texted back.
Then Popeye weakly put his head up and it slumped again.
Get your neck scarf my friend texted back, the one with the cool beads when you soak it in water.
So i found it in seconds I’d had no idea where it was. Soaked it and went back to the swing, put Popeye on my lap (I had placed him on the swing). And was wondering how the heck to tie this heavy thing round a cat’s neck. (It is weighty when round my neck). I wrung it out a bit.
Then I put it under his neck, crossed it over his shoulders, and then tied it behind his front legs under his belly. And then I pressed the wet cool beads and kept pressing them all the way round. Popeye was purring and purring and appeared to be really enjoying this. He just lay there for about an hour with me doing this and adding a bit more water to to the beads. Top pic on the right.
Then he wanted to get down.
So i lifted him down. I left the cool bead neck tie round his neck and shoulders. I followed him. He went to the potting shed and was able to jump on to the bed. Bottom two pics on the right. It was clear he didnt want this on any more, so I took it off. Then I realised his temperature had come down. He had been well overheated on my lap an hour earlier.
He is absolutely fine now. Back to normal Popeye patrollilng the garden, checking the corners he normally checks. Asking for treats...I have got some wet treats for him this hot weather.
I really am going to have to keep an eye open for him. He is about 26 years old now. So he is very elderly. He has water in the house, water outside.
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