Hot Mama
Officially on summer holidays now!! This poor mama is definitely not on holidays as she has seven cygnets to care for. This is the closest I have been to them and the first time I did not see the cob. While I was taking a million shots of them, I did hear an awful noise that actually had me worried as I did not know what animal could have made it and as I was standing in high grasses/reeds, I could not see what was around me.
I backed up slowly and then saw a flash of white so mad a dash for the water's edge again. There he was....coming full steam towards me, all puffed up. (What is with mistrusting males this week?????). I backed slowly up again and at some point he decided that I was no longer a threat but he did keep his eye on me while he swam a little ways out.
I do think he may have been flirting at that point as he did not join his mate or his young but proceeded to preen extravagantly - all the while watching me. At one point, I even gestured to his family and yelled out that he should join them....nope. Quite the display which was nice. I will eventually put some more photos up on my Facebook timeline as he was really something to watch!
Have a super beginning to your weekend : ))
D x
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