Mr John

By MrJohn

Dancing .....

..... in the dark

This evening after work I've had another walk around to try and find some interesting subjects for night photography. I keep finding myself attracted to brightly lit spaces surrounded by lots of dark and tonight has been no exeption. I had a wander around town exploring the little snickets and the walk ways behind restaurants and shops, looking for scenes that I wouldn't usually see walking along the brightly lit streets. I found quiet a few good locations for future photos, but have decided to blip a photo taken on my walk home from town.

I had stopped just past the railway bridge and was setting up my camera focus to take a quick photo of the sign under the street light when this pair walked in to the center of the scene I was photographing. After chatting under the sign for a few seconds they gave each other a hug and went their seperate ways. I have used a bit of artistic licence in this blips title as when I uploaded this shot, it looked as though they were dancing under the streetlamp.

A few people have suggested I should start a series of my night photos, so I have put the ones taken to date here.

Also by popular demand I have just taken a quick snap of my tache now that I am a week in to the Movember challenge. If you'd like to see the monstrosity I have uploaded it to my Movember fundraising page. Any donations of any size will be greatfully appreciated to help this worthwhile cause that raises funds for prostate and testicular cancer initiatives.

As for yet another day I havn't seen daylight, today's photo is .....

..... Dancing in the dark.

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