
A replacement grate would be handy for the grand old stove.  In looking for a spare, I found it is a Frankiln (original design attributed to Benjamin Franklin 200 years ago for use by frontier households).  Production ceased some decades ago, so spares impossible.  It appears to be rated at 17kw which explains why in the depths of winter, with no gas, oil or electricity we can still keep warm at that end of the house.  Gas not available to us in the boondocks (45 miles from the M25), seems a backward step to be installing oil tanks and boilers at this stage in world history and electricity is unreliable (doesn't go off as often as it used to, but at the end of the line it goes off for days when it does go off) and notwithstanding the hundreds of acres of solar panels and large wind turbine within a couple of miles.  Can't believe that a (further?) London ban on wood burning (wasn't London limited to smokeless fuels in the 1960s?) would be extended to rural areas and li'l old pensioners would be left to freeze when the 'leccy goes off and have to drive polluting miles to go to an urban gym to replace the exercise they lose from sawing, moving and splitting and be denied the use of the fuel they had the foresight to plan over 30 years ago?

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