Deppwst Disgrace

Nelly got moved up to the last swimming level today- yay!
She had a chocolate party this afternoon so we dropped her off then took Winnie to Tory Battery for a walk- we’d only been there about ten minutes when she rolled in some kind of shite. Most unlike her, but she was spectacularly yirded all down her back. Boak.
Luckily Floss has a container of water and a first aid kit so he gloved up and we did our best to remove the worst of it. It was truly revolting.
Then we had to get her back home where it took all of us to shower her and shampoo her twice. She was quite traumatised and shook herself all over Doug’s living room.
The girls had a wee ukulele jam together tonight, Betty was amazingly tolerant of Nelly’s wholehearted search for a tune.

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