
By AH14

Field of White Poppies

Firstly - very many thanks for all the great comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's water lily blip that is proving to be very popular - I'm thrilled that you like it so much!

So today has been extremely full but fun (if not somewhat tiring....) It was my young grandson's birthday party - need I say more? His mummy and daddy did a wonderful job keeping a hall full of small boys happily occupied. My task was to keep an eye on his younger brother. We spent some of the time walking round the pond and watching the ducks.

On the way home, I stopped at the supermarket to stock up. The family are coming to me tomorrow and I haven't bought a single grocery item for two weeks, so I was in urgent need of a shop.

By the time I'd unpacked the shopping and cooked my evening meal, the sun was almost setting. I had it in mind that I wanted to locate a field of white poppies I'd heard about, so I set off in the car, even though I knew the sun would have gone by the time I got there. It had but I found them! :)) I hope to go back when I have more time and in better light.

You can see that it's a field of significant size in my blip for my b&w journal.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Ann :))

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