Gitama's World

By Gitama

In the Trees & That Crazy Dog......

  ....Down by the River ...just before it decided to rain.
Cozy now at home ...its p*****ing down and I'm back at my computer for a wee while.

I had a nasty fall the other day. Unfortunately our house is tiled and as soon as any water gets on the tiles it becomes like an ice old slippers sadly have no grip now ...but they are so comfortable I cant stop wearing them.
Nothing is broken this time (thank goodness) ....I wont go into the intense throbbing pain that seems to be a constant guest at the moment....(pain killers are giving my tummy some jip) but it seems....again ....I am dependent on the girl to drive me around.
We went to the river to give the dog a run....he is a happy chap...although seriously in the doghouse with Jaiya (too long a story) at the moment.

To lift my camera is painful but I did manage to reel off some shots...(as you can see)....and the inclination to Blip.

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