"de Stenen man" Harlingen

The Stone Man is a statue that was placed in Harlingen in the year 1576. This national monument, in Frisian called "the Stiennen man" can be found on the Westerzeedijk, the place where now the beach in Harlingen is. In this year a flood of water broke out that had been given the name All Saints Flood. Because of this heavy storm the dikes around the entire Dutch and Belgian coast were badly affected. In Harlingen too, things were going fast, so hard that everything had to be done to repair the dikes as quickly as possible. 3300 Frisians were deployed to repair the dikes as quickly as possible. And all this under the leadership of the then Stadholder of Friesland, Casper de Robles

rebuild in the sixties...
The original Januskop from 1576 is located in het Fries Museum.

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