Cool places to walk - where is the thunderstorm?

It's becoming increasingly difficult to find places to walk me in this mega hot heatwave.

Today I went to the 'Penrose Estate' where there were lots of trees and lots of water.

Today our weather app was showing lots of little 'thunderstorm' symbols. Our weather app often lies. It had obviously rained a little bit overnight but I managed to get my morning walk without it raining and then this afternoon, 'Mr Thunderstorm' was nowhere to be seen.

'Penrose Estate' is lovely. I had a bit of a splish, splash, splosh and there's loads of trees which kept me cool.

However our FB page is being flooded with posts from doggies who are on holiday here in St Ives and are not being kept cool. So here's some advice from the 'Blue Cross'. Check it out here.

It is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, important to keep your doggie cool in this hot weather.

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