
This is my niece, who I'll call Nan.  Her KLM flight arrived 30 minutes early so we were 20 minutes late, meaning that she waited almost an hour.  It just so happened that Schiphol changed its 'Arrivals' entrance so spent some extra time figuring out the new set-up.  No matter, we are happy she's finally here.

This was shot at Kinderdijk ('Kinderdike'), the UNESCO World Heritage Site with windmills.  AW immediately got into 'teaching' mode and told her everything she needed to know, explaining the scenery as we speeded by.  We got to Breda and I was really tired.  We had driven all the way north to the airport, which meant I had to get up at 05.30 after having fallen asleep at 04.00, but it was so nice to finally see her that we didn't think about it.  She immediately contacted boyfriend and parents to update them, then had a light lunch, then a bike ride with AW while I conked out on the couch.  Then I did the laundry, some ironing, the dishes, and some new bookings.  AW continued in the garden and Nan unpacked her stuff and organized what was needed for our first trip.  Then dinner in town and a long walk.  Nan was curious about everything and asked questions -- 'How do you say this?' and 'What is the meaning of that?' and 'Why do you do things this way?' and more of that kind -- to which we happily supplied the answers.

A long day which needs to end very soon.  I should not forget to open my office mail for the very last time to submit the marks I forgot to hand in yesterday.  After such a nice day, this should be peanuts.

Starting tomorrow, various locations, and I'd rather post updates as they come.  Might occasionally be late.  I wish you all a good week!

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