
My only full day in Bomo this week. Mental.

I met Aaron at uni to talk about Houseparty ideas and try sort some stuff out. I saw bare peeps I knew. Felt well pops. I went to the library to study as I was in uni... The internet code I have for BU doesn't seem to stretch across to the arts uni which is annoying. I had to leave anyways because I really needed the loo and I didn't know where any were. Ha. I bumped into Katie as I was leaving... I then had to fly (cycle) home to go loo. Close call.

The weather today was just mental. I cycled to CU and the wind meant I was cycling minus mph. I was puffed out by the time I got there. I hadn't taken a photo so Katie offered her face up for photographing... the lighting was a bit rubbish though. Laura and Emma were filming people for there project, I was awful at it and I got the giggles which seemed to last the whole of CU so I ended up having to walk out. I such a rubbish student worker.

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