gliding smoothly

After every faffy late-finishing Monday comes a nice smoothly-running Tuesday. After some of them, anyway. Sometimes. Today, definitely. I was able to be outside for almost forty minutes at lunchtime and swiped out a little bit before 17:00 which meant that was I able to go for a nice walk in the pleasant cold stillness to use up the lunch-muffin's bounteous energy.

The little step-counting application for my phone has an option to make a little noise either when various step-intervals are achieved or when a particular target is reached. I shall deactivate this as the target noise (a little tootling fanfare) operates independently of the phone's noise-profile and parpled loudly and noticeably this evening just as I stepped up alongside someone at a pedestrian crossing. 'Twould also be possible to replace the sound clips the application installed with more discreet or more phonelike chirps and beeps but I still haven't got round to fishing out my little pile of SoundForgèd notification-noises after more than a year of having the same noise informing me of both new texts and new emails.

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