
By kevinmcc

Perhaps TOO healthy!

Thursday night I attended a lecture given by our general practitioner, regarding heart healthy diets. As a two time heart bypass patient, I have looked at a number of "heart healthy" diets over the years.

This one has got to be the "most" heart healthy (ie NO - FUN) diet that I have seen to date.

The list of NO's is quite extensive! Rather than to list all the banned items, the bottom line is to NOT consume ANYTHING that has a face, or had a mother.

Even caffeine (as in coffee) is on the NO list! Pretty hard sell in Seattle - home to Starbucks.

Supposedly... adhering to this diet will "heart attack proof" an individual. The numbers were quite impressive. It might just work?

Pictured above is a plate of brown rice, black bean chili, and colorful lentil soup, which was served after the lecture.

Even though I had already had a bacon cheeseburger in the hospital cafeteria prior to the lecture, I did finish the "heart healthy" plate - and found it to be quite tasty.

Food for thought - no pun intended. :)

Although I still wonder why a hospital would offer bacon cheeseburgers if they are not healthy??

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