Engine Driver

A day out in Scarborough today.

We started off at the Sea Life Centre, where CyclopsJnr enjoyed charging around looking at everything.  We also fit in a "round" of Pirate Crazy Golf. 

Next we went to the "Eat Me Cafe" for a rather fabulous lunch - this is in danger of becoming a tradition, but it's too good not to pop in.  

After lunch we went to see the Naval Warfare show at Peasholm Park.  CyclopsJnr enjoyed cheering and shouting boo, and the big bangs from the pyrotechnics (I'm sure the bangs, flashes and fireballs are smaller than they were last time we were here 14 years ago).

Next we went on the North Bay Railway.  CyclopsJnr liked the train, and especially enjoyed watching the engine on the turntable at the end of the line.  The driver very kindly involved him in the process of re-attaching the engine to the train - asking him if he knew which bit went where!  He identified correctly where the chain attached to a hook, and that the brake lines had to cross over.  He was thrilled, and I thought he might explode with excitement when the driver gave him his hat and let him sit on the drivers seat!

We have never seen him as tired as he was after all this.  He fell asleep in the car on the way back to Whitby, and didn't wake up through a shopping stop, being lifted out of the car, or most of the way being carried back to the apartment. He had a quick dinner, then asked to go to bed and was asleep by about 7pm - when he's usually only just starting his bath...

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