Mr and Mrs

And it looks like they aint talking :-)))
We had a good day in town yesterday
and I treated my G daughter to a big
mac, a place I am never in much but
she loves em. Weeeeel a fracas started
up. a young mum with 1 yr old twins boys,
they were in high chairs, well one was
screaming, I have to say he had a good
pair of lungs on him, he stopped as soon
as she came back with his food, weeeel
a women about my age like me her face
was in need of a good iron lol anyhoo
she looked quite posh and she looked
uncomfortable in this establishment.
She said to the young mum, shut that
child up.... weeeeeeeeel the young mum
got up went over to the women and had
a huuuge rant , then another women I
use that word lightly started on the
complaining women, but she was swearing
words I haven't heard for a long time, the
young mum then and went and got the
manager, who told the posh women that
this was a place for families and it's
always noisy, the posh wifey never batted
an eye, carried on eating her burger and
complaining about the noise from the child
me and G daughter were gob smacked and
we took longer to eat our tasteless burgers
than usual, when we left the young mum
was texting furiously, we got outside and
burst out laughing, it could have been a
scene from Beastie Benders Eastenders to
our overseas blippers.
The train was brill only £13 return for us two
and 20 minutes, I will do that again.
Have a great day everyone, it's another lovely
day here.

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