
By Lady_Laine94

Update on the little SURVIVOR

Last night the tempreture droped very low at the farm where I am working, also the home of Little Survivor.

Due to Survivor not having his mommy with him, he had no one to keep him warm during the night, so the farm workers moved him inside a building where my office is and also where the animal food is kept.

When I got to work I got the news that he did make the night, thankfully he was moved.

So in this blip you can see that Survivor has met a new friend, Skye, this Bulldog is the friendliets and most playful dog on the farm, she is not quite sure what to do with new friend. But they are getting along very very good. They are both sleeping now inside my office, not so sure what my boss will say about this arrangement but it is too cold to leave Survivor outside.

Enjoy the day from wherever you are from

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