
By Susana

Thai Memory

My team at work took me out to a restaurant of my choice, so I chose Thai Memory.

We had originally planned to go on a scouting mission for our team Christmas party to a place called The Rebel's Kilt, on King Street near the corner of Queen. After doing a bit of research on the internet we discovered that it doesn't serve food, only drinks. Also, I was told that they're very rude and insulting, but my understanding is they do it to be in keeping with an Irish/Scottish pub. Not sure if that's true or just a legend. :-) In any case, if they only serve drinks it will not do for a Christmas Lunch at all, especially if we are doing something like stained glass for our activity afterwards!

This photo is of Elka's reflection on the glass-covered tabletop at the Thai Memory.

I had a good lunch of Tofu Satay with a super delicious peanut sauce. Last time I had the mango grilled fish and it was one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten.

The best part of the lunch was the company. I am more and more impressed with Sarah and what an accomplished young woman she is. I just discovered that she was the president of the swing dance club at McMaster. I didn't know or could ever had imagined there even was such a club at Mac!

Had a good birthday, went to class in the evening (last week is the last class and we have SEVEN assignments to do between now and then) but felt bad that I had to leave Andie alone. The antibiotics are doing a number on her stomach and giving her an elevated heart rate. She still found it in her to get up in the middle of the night and decorate for me, though. Hope she'll be ok soon.

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